Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod will conduct research on how scientifically ‘neera’ from palmyrah can be tapped and how best value-added products such as sugar, jaggery, syrup and honey can be scientifically made from palmyrah ‘neera’, according to its Director K. Balachandra Hebbar. Speaking to The Hindu on the sidelines of a farmer-contact programme organised by the CPCRI in …
It is three in the morning and the silence is broken by the whisper of a gentle breeze that sets the palmyrah fronds rustling. Clothed in just loincloths, with knives in hand to slice off the tip of the inflorescence axis, and a kuduvai fastened to their waist they begin climbing up the trees with headlamps lighting their way. kuduvais …
On the connoisseurs’ table, you may have feni or mahua, but certainly not toddy. And in Tamil Nadu, despite regular protests, the government has banned the sale of toddy derived, even though its alcoholic content is far less than other alcohol manufactured using molasses and sold in Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Limited shops. One litre of padaneer gives her …