The Uttar Pradesh police on Sunday arrested two more accused, including a woman, in connection with the violent incidents of stone pelting, burning of a police bike, and looting of magazines and cartridges of a police pistol that took place on November 24, 2024, near Shahi Jama Masjid in Sambhal district, senior police officials said on Monday. Confirming it, Sambhal …
On Wednesday, the Ahmednagar Police in Maharashtra arrested 17 persons after massive violence erupted in the Samnapur village of Sangamner amid a rally organized by Sakal Hindu Samaj, an umbrella organization of several Hindutva outfits. Attack on Hindus is escalation of Jorve Naka violence reported on May 31 Sources further confirmed to OpIndia that the attack on Hindu organizations on …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi during an interaction with Afshan Ashiq, who hit the headlines in 2017 as a stone pelter in Srinagar. Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju expressed his joy that the people of the country have taken fitness seriously, and revealed that the government has issued different fitness protocols for people across different age groups to …
Ludhiana: They say first impression is the last impression. I was coaching in Kashmir but I want to pursue my playing career right now.” "There are 10-12 teams in the Mumbai state league and the tournament goes on for a month. I used to train them at the TRC Ground.” "Right now one of my colleagues at Unique Football Girls, …
The Special Cell of Delhi police had arrested a terrorist of the Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed named Sajjad Khan, who was also a close aide of Pulwama terror attack mastermind, near Red Fort area on Thursday night. Sajjad Khan who was also wanted by the National Investigation Agency in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack, was tailed for almost a …