The Delhi High Court has recently deprecated the conduct of litigants trying to protract proceedings in industrial disputes which involve “extreme disparity of resources available to the rival litigants.”Justice Girish Kathpalia further imposed Rs. The Delhi High Court has recently deprecated the conduct of litigants trying to protract proceedings in industrial disputes which involve “extreme disparity of resources available to …
There are uncanny similarities between the Hamas operation Toofan Al-Aqsa and the launch of the 19-day Yom Kippur War 50 years ago. Although the latter was inconclusive, it led to a regional tectonic shift with Israel accepting a ‘land for peace’ formula at the Camp David Accords six years later. Depending on the endgame, this conflict could potentially revive the …
The Supreme Court has expressed displeasure over the delay in examination of witnesses, and said it is the duty of the trial court to ensure that the trial is not prolonged as time lag creates problems in the testimony of witnesses. It is the duty of the prosecution to ensure that the prosecution witnesses are available and it is the …
The Supreme Court on Monday allowed Congress MP Karti Chidambaram, who is facing criminal cases that are being probed by the ED and the CBI, to travel abroad. Opposing the application, Additional Solicitor General S V Raju said earlier Chidambaram was earlier allowed to travel abroad, but with a deposit of Rs 10 crore. The Congress leader is facing several …