Train ticketing platform RailYatri on Wednesday confirmed that it suffered a data breach in December 2022, shortly after the Railway Ministry denied that user data were being sold on the dark web leaked from the Railways’ side. “We observed a security breach in our system on December 28, 2022,” a RailYatri spokesperson told The Hindu. “Our platforms have proper authorisation …
A data breach at online travel marketplace RailYatri has affected about 7 lakh users, according to a security report by Safety Detective research lab. The security research team discovered information, including passenger name, age, email address, partial records of credit and debit card information, and Unified Payment Interface ID. “We would like to clarify that report suggesting 7,00,000 email addresses …
A security flaw in Railyatri has alleged exposed the users' data of as many as 7 lakh passengers. As per a report, the Indian ticketing platform has accidentally exposed the UPI data, debit card details of users due to flawed security policies that have put the data of so many users at risk. The team also falsified the report that …
New Delhi: Popular e-ticketing website and app, RailYatri, has now been authorised by the IRCTC to continue its ticket booking services, months after the Delhi High Court termed the services "unauthorised". Dismissing the writ petitions filed by Stelling Technologies, which owns and manages the mobile application, the court said on a "deeper consideration of the methodology evolved by M/s Stelling, …
Popular e-ticketing website, RailYatri, has now been authorised by the IRCTC to continue its ticket booking services, months after the Delhi High Court termed the services "unauthorised". The court had in April this year ruled that the businesses and operation of the website and mobile application RailYatri were unauthorised and impermissible after IRCTC filed a complaint with Deputy Commissioner of …