The Delhi Police on Saturday filed a status report on the application moved by the protesting women wrestlers against Wrestling Federation of India chief and BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. Appearing for Delhi Police, special public prosecutor Atul Shrivastava apprised Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Harjit Singh Jaspal of Rouse Avenue Court that the statements of the ‘victim’ women wrestlers …
Tokyo Olympics gold medallist and three-time world champion grappler Risako Kawai of Japan has come out in support of the protesting Indian wrestlers in their fight against former WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh. Top Indian grapplers, including Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik have been protesting at the iconic Jantar Mantar here demanding the arrest of Brij Bhushan, …
CHIBA, Japan — David Taylor seized the most important moment of his wrestling life. The American scored a double-leg takedown with 17 seconds remaining to beat Iran’s Hassan Yazdani 4-3 on Thursday night and claim the gold medal in the freestyle 86-kilogram class. I live for moments like this.” Japan’s Risako Kawai won her second Olympic gold, beating Iryna Kurachkina …
CHIBA, Japan — Helen Maroulis wishes she had a do-over. “I maybe had some other options that I could have gone for, but I think I was thinking like, ‘Oh, she’s waiting for me to clear out so she can shoot,’” Maroulis said. “So to be here like this is like — I’m so grateful.” Kawai advanced to face Iryna …