The next 10-year vision of the Silicon Beach Program is to increase technology jobs in Karnataka’s coastal region from 20,000 to two lakh, said Rohith Bhat, SBP founding-member and founder of wrkwrk, 99Games & and Robosoft, here on Saturday. Speaking at the second dialogue series of the SBP at Cuboid, wrkwrk Mindspace in Mangaluru, he said that the vision includes …
The second dialogue series of the Silicon Beach Program will be held in Mangaluru on Saturday. The SBP is a grouping of like-minded people from diverse fields, who are pooling in their resources to promote economic growth of coastal Karnataka using the technology industry as a growth catalyst. “Mangaluru’s technology ecosystem is experiencing impressive growth, with over 225 companies and …
National Institute of Technology-Karnataka at Surathkal and Robosoft Technologies, Udupi, have joined hands to develop a collaborative platform to connect students and enterprises to interact directly for multiple purposes, including projects, internships and jobs. A statement form NITK here said students often share their profiles with various organisations to find career opportunities while diverse sets of organisations seek student profiles …