A six-year-old girl and her one-year-old brother died in Tamil Nadu’s Chennai after reportedly inhaling toxic fumes from rodenticide used by a pest control service at their house. Pixabay/Representational Image Two children in Tamil Nadu’s Chennai lost their lives after inhaling toxic fumes from rodenticide used by a pest control service at their house on Wednesday evening. A six-year-old girl …
LOADING ERROR LOADING Judge Janet Protasiewicz, a liberal, won a heated race for an open Wisconsin Supreme Court seat on Tuesday, shifting the balance of power on the state’s high court from conservatives to liberals for the first time since at least 2008. Although Wisconsin’s judicial races are officially nonpartisan, Protasiewicz’s victory over former Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly, a …
A caution sign for rodenticide is posted on a fence next door to a building, second from left, owned by New York Mayor Eric Adams in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. Participating via telephone, Adams contested the findings of an inspector who found rat burrows along a fence line and “fresh rat droppings” in front of the mayor’s garbage bins. …
Rats multiply by the millions, transmit horrible diseases and are just about the last thing you’d want to see in your kitchen, attic, garage or office. To reduce the number of wildlife deaths, the state’s Department of Pesticide Regulation banned the sale and use of the second-generation pesticides among consumers in 2014, restricting them to licensed commercial exterminators. Last year, …