The police have arrested two persons hailing from Kerala, who discreetly placed a GPS tracking device on the vehicle of a Coimbatore resident to track his movement for a housebreak. During the investigation, the police found out that Hussain and Monish had visited a grocery store and restaurant run by Mr. Kumar and his wife Sangeetha, 41, at Flower Market. …
A four-year-old girl with a large malignant tumour in the liver was recently operated upon at Kauvery Hospital, Vadapalani. Swaminathan Sambandam, director, multiorgan transplant, advanced GI and HPB surgery, who led the team that operated on the girl, said: “This is a laparoscopic paediatric hepatobiliary surgery. This kind of paediatric surgeries are done very rarely in Chennai and it requires …
A 24-year-old man underwent a robotic kidney transplant at a city hospital recently. Swaminathan Sambandam, lead, multi-organ transplant, Kauvery group of hospitals, said traditional kidney transplants involve open surgery, necessitating a large incision in the lower abdomen to implant the donor’s kidney. In contrast, in a robotic transplant, the surgeon made a small incision of around 5 cm, implanted the …
Here is a suggestion for residents’ groups having a ringside view and first-hand experience of the ongoing intergrated stormwater drain project: ‘Consider following JERA’s example’. Jeth Nagar Residents Association — better known as JERA — was intrigued over one street, Vinayagam Street, not making it to the new SED map drawn up for Jeth Nagar. The provision for Vinayagam Street …