HYDERABAD: Launched amidst much fanfare in June last year, the BJP’s ‘KCR countdown clock’ erected on the party’s state headquarters compound wall, which the party had claimed would keep track of the days left for the BRS government in Telangana, is dead for some time now. The clock was part of the BJP’s ‘Salu Dora-Selavu Dora’ campaign targeting Chief Minister …
HYDERABAD: The BJP has relaunched its ‘Kalvakuntla countdown clock’ at its state party headquarters in Nampally with an electronic display keeping a count of what the party calls the “number of days left for the TRS government.” The relaunch under the ‘Salu Dora-Selavu Dora’ campaign coincides with the ongoing three-day party training camp at a private resort in Shamirpet. The …
ADILABAD: The BJP has brought down a campaign similar to that of 'Salu Dora…Selavu Dora' at villages-level against TRS MLAs and the state government. The BJP leaders are highlighting the lack of development and bad road connectivity, under the slogan, ‘Salu Appa…Selavu Appa Oh Konappa’, with photos of ongoing road works and of BJP leader Palvai Harish. The social media …
HYDERABAD: The Bharatiya Janata Party’s campaign against the TRS through its ‘Salu Dora Selavu Dora’ initiative received a makeover of sorts with the party dropping the image of Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao from the website. The BJP, according to party sources, was a bit worried over using the Chief Minister’s pictures on the campaign clock and on the website, …