Sora, an artificial intelligence video generator program created by startup OpenAI in 2021, is making waves as it has now moved out of the research phase and has been officially released to the public under the new name of Sora Turbo. Sora is disgustingly good, gj @sama Adding it to @everartai asap so you can bring your images to life …
Protesters in Hong Kong trampled a Chinese flag, vandalized two subway stations and set at least two street fires on Sunday, as pro-democracy demonstrations took a violent turn once again. Hong Kong: Protesters in Hong Kong trampled a Chinese flag, vandalized two subway stations and set at least two street fires on Sunday, as pro-democracy demonstrations took a violent turn …
Protesters in Hong Kong have trampled a Chinese flag, vandalised a subway station and set up a flaming barricade across a wide street, as pro-democracy demonstrations took a violent turn once again. Key points: Some protesters took turns walking over the flag and spraying it with paint One group of protesters trashed the subway station attached to the mall Hardliners …