CUTTACK: Sadar police arrested a man while he was trying to avail of a personal loan amounting to `10 lakh from UCO Bank, Phulnakhara branch by impersonating a doctor of Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Additional DCP Anil Mishra said, as per an FIR filed by Abinash Sethi, the manager of UCO Bank, Phulnakhara branch, with Sadar police on Friday, a …
India was a knowledge society since Vedic times involving Maths, medicine, metaphysics, astronomy etc written in Sanskrit, but all such learning came back to the country several thousand years later as "discoveries by Western scientists", Indian Space Research Organisation chairman S. Somnath has said. Addressing the fourth convocation ceremony of the Maharishi Panini Sanskrit and Vedic University here on May …
It is important to understand why only Hinduism mentions the universe. Surya Sidhanta is a major text with incredible knowledge about the universe dated – hold your breath – at least 10,000 years ago. The ancient Indians knew that the earth is round or rather elliptical, that it goes around the sun, they knew the distance to the sun and …