Directorate General of GST Intelligence officials of the Visakhapatnam Zonal Unit have arrested a man based out of Tamil Nadu for allegedly generating fake invoices worth ₹230 crore and committing a Goods & Service Tax input tax credit fraud, causing a loss of ₹35 crore to the government exchequer. The officials say the accused is the mastermind behind a complex …
A special court for National Investigation Agency cases cannot cancel bail granted to a person, accused of attempting to establish Islamic rule in India through unlawful means, just because he was subsequently suspected to be a Sri Lankan national, the Madras High Court has held. A Division Bench of Justices S.S. Sundar and Sunder Mohan allowed an appeal and set …
The Enforcement Directorate officials began a search at the residence of West Bengal Minister Jyotipriyo Mallick on early Thursday, October 26, 2023, in connection with an ongoing probe into the alleged multi-crore ration distribution scam, an officer said. The ED slueths raided two flats belonging to Mallick, who is currently the state Forest minister, at Kolkata's Salt Lake area, supported …