Shares of Kernex Microsystems continued witnessing strong traction as they were locked in their 5 per cent upper circuit of ₹328 in morning trade on BSE on Wednesday, looking set to extend their winning run into the sixth consecutive session. Similarly, shares of HBL Power Systems rose nearly 6 per cent to hit their fresh 52-week high of ₹143.70 on …
After a triple train crash in Odisha's Balasore that claimed nearly 290 lives, and injured over 800 passengers, the railways on Saturday confirmed that there was no ‘Kavach’ system installed on the trains, that could have prevented them from colliding with each other. Opposition on ‘Kavach’ system Many opposition leaders, including Maharashtra Congress's Balasaheb Thorat, National Conference president Farooq Abdullah, …
At least 288 people were killed and around 900others got injured when three trains collided one after another in a horrific sequence in Odisha’s Balasore district. The train crash, one of the deadliest in the country, took place in Balasore district about 250 km south of Kolkata and 170 km north of Bhubaneswar around 7 pm on Friday, prompting the …
Worried over the increase in train accidents across the rail network, the Railway Board has called for urgent steps to fill vacancies and reduce the long working hours of locomotive pilots. Grave concern Reviewing the safety scenario at a high-level meeting comprising members of the top railway management, including the general managers of zonal railways, the chairman and CEO of …
Jacob Rees-Mogg had a Covid test personally delivered for one of his children during a national testing shortage, according to leaked WhatsApp messages. Then Health Secretary Matt Hancock's special adviser organised the test just two days after the director of NHS Test and Trace was forced to give 'heartfelt apologies' to anyone who could not get one due to shortages …