Chennai: Tamil Nadu has achieved a milestone by registering over 10,000 startups with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, under the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the state government said on Sunday StartupTN has played a crucial role in nurturing the ecosystem by implementing various schemes and initiatives like funding programmes, mentorship opportunities and incubation support, …
The Press Information Bureau, Chennai, of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting organised an orientation programme for journalists and other stakeholders in Coimbatore on Monday. V. Palanichamy, Director General of PIB South Zone, highlighted the need to disseminate awareness on cyber crimes to the public and role of fact checking in publishing the right information. Arun, inspector of Coimbatore city …
For the first time, three startups that are promoted by Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs received funding from Tamil Nadu Startup and Innovation Mission under the Tamil Nadu SC/ST Startup Fund. The startup TAMS Tribal Green Fuel Pvt Ltd, promoted by Scheduled Tribe entrepreneurs, is focussing on clean energy. Tamil Nadu SC/ST Startup Fund, aimed at churning out inspirational stories that would …