Soaring gas prices in the last 12 months have triggered a surge of interest in switching to heat pumps, according to figures from installation specialists Techniek Nederland. It would be the first time that the number of homes switching to heat pumps exceeds the number installed in newbuild houses. Hybrid heat pumps – which combine a heat pump with a …
The insulation of homes in the Netherlands is currently unaffordable for many people and is going much too slowly. At the current pace, it will take until the year 2100 for all homes to be properly insulated - 50 years too late to meet Climate Agreement targets, political parties GroenLinks, CDA and ChristenUnie said in a manifesto drawn up with …
People returning from holiday run an increased risk of being infected with the legionella bacteria, because they underestimate the dangers of taps that have not been used for more than a week, according to Techniek Nederland, the entrepreneurs' association for the installation sector. The association advises returning holidaymakers to flush their pipes well before they use them, NOS reports. If …