The Kapil Sharma Show will soon make a grand comeback and fans are eagerly waiting for it. The Kapil Sharma Show will also star Kapil Sharma with Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda, Bharti Singh, Chandan Prabhakar, Archana Puran Singh and Sudesh Lehri. KAPIL SHARMA SHARES FIRST PICTURES FROM TKSS The Kapil Sharma Show will premiere on August 21. #tkss #thekapilsharmashow #newseason …
The Kapil Sharma Show is coming back with a new season and the first promo of the same was released today, July 25. PROMO OF THE KAPIL SHARMA SHOW RELEASED A few days ago, Sumona Chakravarti had posted a cryptic note on 'horrible feeling' after being left out from The Kapil Sharma Show. Check it out: KAPIL SHARMA STARTS SHOOTING …
The Kapil Sharma Show team is vaccinated against Covid-19. Kapil Sharma took to social media today to share a photo with Krushna Abhishek, Bharti Singh, Kiku Sharda, Chandan Prabhakar, and Sudesh Lehri, to inform his fans they are vaccinated. THE KAPIL SHARMA SHOW TEAM IS VACCINATED Kapil Sharma and his team is set to return to television soon. Have a …