RRB NTPC Exam: The Railway Recruitment Board, RRB, has released the revised CEN-01/2019 - Revised Normalisation Formula. Candidates can check the RRB NTPC Exam 2020 revised normalisation formula on the official websites of the regional RRBs. The formula has been modified as mentioned below and will be adopted for normalisation: RRB NTPC Admit Card 2020: "The downloading of RRB NTPC …
The RRB NTPC admit card 2020 is going to be released soon by the Railway Recruitment Board. RRB NTPC Admit Card: Steps to download Step 1: Visit the official site of RRB’s regional site. Step 2: Click on the RRB NTPC admit card link available on the home page. RRB Recruitment 2020: Vacancy details RRB would conduct an exam for …