The Kerala High Court has termed the life of a captive elephant as an "eternal" Treblinka -- the second-deadliest extermination camp built and operated by Nazis during the second world war-- and stipulated conditions to be followed for grant of permission to parade jumbos in festivals or other events. The High Court observed that captive elephants were being extensively used …
WOJSLAWICE, Poland — The Polish witnesses of the German crime in Wojslawice lived for decades with the memories of their Jewish neighbors executed in 1942. “When I was a young boy I was running around these meadows but the elders were saying: ‘please do not run there because there are buried people, buried Jews,’” said Marian Lackowski, a retired police …
Have you heard the term “death panic”? There’s even a link to a news story about a mother who realised her teenage daughter, one of the survivors of Anders Behring Breivik’s gun massacre in Norway, has “death panic” – the girl literally panics about death. Lanzmann asks, “It didn’t bother him to work so near those screams?” The reply: “At …