An Indian-American student named Akul Dhawan was found dead outside the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign last week, and his father has now criticised the police for inaction. The initial findings of the autopsy suggested he died from hypothermia, according to the Champaign County Coroner Dhawan was reported missing by friends to campus police around 1:30 am on January 20. The …
The parents of an 18-year-old Indian-American student, who was found dead outside the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign last week, have filed a complaint against the school's police for negligence. Akul B. Dhawan, found dead outside Illinois University After failing to get in touch with Akul B. Dhawan, an acquaintance reported him missing on Saturday at 1:30 am. I visualize his …
The memorial stone for Zhang Yingying in UIUC. In August, on Shi's behalf, two fellow alumni from Peking University visited the Zhang family in Fujian province, bringing with them a computer on which they showed the parents Shi's documentary. "In American mainstream media we overseas Chinese students often appear as a group, a number, whose individual members are seldom given …
The day before hope was lost - Zhang's father, an UIUC official, Zhang's aunt and boyfriend marched in Zhang's name on June 29, 2017. In October last year Zhang Xinyang married and had a son, whom his parents are helping him take care of. "For them, the newborn may have provided some rare respite, but the pain inevitably comes back," …
A grief stricken Ye Lifeng, second from left, the mother of slain University of Illinois scholar Zhang Yingying, is supported by a friend Lin Guiping, left, Yingying's boyfriend Hou Xiaolin and Yingying's brother Zhang Zhengyang, right, during a press conference at the US Courthouse in Peoria, Illinois, July 18, 2019, after Brendt Christensen was sentenced to life in federal prison …