The Supreme Court on Monday granted bail to Jitendra Narayan Tyagi aka Waseem Rizvi in the case related to the alleged hate speeches made at the Dharm Sansad which was organized in Haridwar between 17th and the 19th December 2021.The bench comprising of Justice Ajay Rastogi and Justice B. V. Nagarathna granted bail to Waseem Rizvi along with certain conditions …
"They are spoiling the whole atmosphere", the Supreme Court of India remarked on Thursday while hearing plea filed by Jitendra Tyagi alias Vasim Rizvi seeking bail in the case related to alleged hate speech made at the Dharam Sansad held at Haridwar in December 2021. This is something which is spoiling the whole atmosphere" the bench remarked apparently referring to …
While denying bail to Jitendra Tyagi Aka Wasim Rizvi in the Haridwar Dharam Sansad Case, the Uttarakhand High Court recently observed that Tyagi's speech amounted to hate speech that intended to wage war, promoted enmity, and was also derogatory towards Prophet Muhammad. Stressing that Hate Speech has far-reaching consequences, the bench of Justice Ravindra Maithani, refrained from reproducing his speech …