Mohanlal’s upcoming film with Saudi Vellakka director Tharun Moorthy has been officially titled Thudarum. Thudarum’s supporting cast includes Binu Pappu, Maniyanpilla Raju, Farhaan Faasil, and Aanandam-fame Thomas Mathew. Meanwhile, Mohanlal is awaiting the release of his directorial debut Barroz, a 3D children’s fantasy film. He is also set to return as the lead in Prithviraj Sukumaran’s L2: Empuraan, the second …
The filming of Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s 360th film, tentatively called L360, kick-started today. I express my deepest gratitude and seek your blessings as I embark on my 360th film venture.#L360#MRenjith#TharunMoorthy… — Mohanlal April 22, 2024 L360 is directed by Tharun Moorthy of Operation Java and Saudi Vellakka fame. Other details regarding the project are unknown at the moment Tharun …
We had previously reported that Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s 360th film, tentatively called L360, is set to be directed by Tharun Moorthy of Operation Java and Saudi Vellakka fame. Notably, Shobana also appeared in an extended cameo in Mohanlal’s 2009 film Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded. Other details regarding the project are unknown at the moment Tharun made his debut in 2021 …
Actors Shefali Shah, Jaideep Ahlawat and director Avinash Arun Dhaware won the top honours at the 2023 New York Indian Film Festival that showcased new Indian cinema among the diaspora and global audience here. Saudi Vellakka won the Best Film award at the 2023 edition of the NYIFF, while Dhaware received the Best Director award for his critically acclaimed film …
The court case at the centre of Saudi Vellakka is the kind of case, which in all probability, might get a passing mention in the newspapers the next day. More than the content of the case, or the arguments on either side, director Tharun Moorthy is concerned with what this passing of time does to the people involved. Saudi Vellakka …