Along with sharing her “excitement” about working in a Malayalam film after many years, she also added about her hit pairing with Mohanlal, “I think it is our 56th film together.” Her first outing with the latter was in K S Sethumadhavan’s Avidathepole Ivideyum. Their previous collaborations also include many blockbusters like Manichithrathazhu, Nadodikkattu, Vellanakalude Nadu and Thenmavin Kombathu. Shobana …
We had previously reported that Malayalam superstar Mohanlal’s 360th film, tentatively called L360, is set to be directed by Tharun Moorthy of Operation Java and Saudi Vellakka fame. Notably, Shobana also appeared in an extended cameo in Mohanlal’s 2009 film Sagar Alias Jacky Reloaded. Other details regarding the project are unknown at the moment Tharun made his debut in 2021 …
When superstar Mohanlal moved a road roller by pulling it with an elephant on screen in 1988, it was a laugh riot to Keralites as a big joke. But believe it or not, the road rollers of the Kerala Public Works Department are draining the exchequer even three decades after the release of the film Vellanakalude Nadu. According to the …