Deputy Chief Minister and Bengaluru Development Minister DK Shivakumar on Monday pledged to positively address demands for the rejuvenation of the Vrushabhavathi river and the development of Basavanagudi as a heritage corridor under the 'Brand Bengaluru' initiative. DK Shivakumar on Monday pledged to positively address demands for the rejuvenation of the Vrushabhavathi river and the development of Basavanagudi as a …
Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister and Bengaluru Development Minister DK Shivakumar has announced plans to rejuvenate the Vrushabhavathi River and transform the Basavanagudi area into a heritage corridor under the Brand Bengaluru initiative. Speaking at the inauguration of the “Kadlekai Parishe” in Basavanagudi, Shivakumar emphasized the government’s commitment to preserving Bengaluru’s cultural and historical legacy. Shivakumar also highlighted the importance of …