THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Kerala Folk Festival held at the Vyloppilli Samskrithi Bhavan has gone a bit under the radar amid the simultaneous hosting of the Kerala State School Arts Festival and the Kerala Legislature International Book Fair in the capital. On the second day of the festival, the programme titled ‘Nattumalayalam’ showcased a vibrant blend of traditional art forms from Malabar, …
A two-day programme will be held in memory of philosopher Guru Nitya Chaithanya Yati’s birth centenary celebration. The valedictory event will feature an exhibition of meditations on Sree Narayana Guru’s Atmopadesa Satakam by US native Andrew Larkin, a disciple of Guru Nitya Chaithanya Yati. The programme will also include an inauguration by Prabha Varma, poet and press secretary to the …