Channing Tatum, director Steven Soderbergh and writer Reid Carolin are reuniting for the third installment in the popular “Magic Mike” franchise. Set up at Warner Bros, the new film is titled “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” and will premiere exclusively on HBO Max. “As soon as I saw what Channing, Reid, and the Magic Mike choreographic team did with the live …
In the summer of 2018, three women who worked for or had previously been employed by the Mets spoke with a member of the team’s human resources department to complain about the behavior of hitting performance coordinator Ryan Ellis. We immediately commenced a new investigation and terminated the employee on January 22 for violating company policy and failure to meet …
All The Old Knives is based on Olen Steinhauer’s 2015 novel of the same name, and will be directed by Janus Metz of Borg vs McEnroe-fame. Hollywood stars Chris Pine and Thandie Newton are set to headline action feature All the Old Knives. According to Deadline, the project is based on Olen Steinhauer’s 2015 novel of the same name and …
Iran took the spotlight at a Middle East security conference hosted by the US and Poland that highlighted deep divisions between the US and some of its allies Warsaw: Although it is absent from the stage, Iran is nevertheless taking the spotlight at a Middle East security conference co-hosted by the United States and Poland that has highlighted deep divisions …