Saying “was it good? The Bong Joon-Ho directorial, a social satire which explores class divides, made history by becoming the first non-English-language film to win Hollywood's biggest annual prize. In his speech after Parasite won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, Joon-Ho made a case for a broader look at cinema. Trump, whose presidency has been built on the …
BY MARGY ROCHLIN April 9, 2020 Steve Schirripa and Michael Imperioli — also known, respectively, as the sweet-natured foot soldier turned capo Bobby “Baccalà” Baccalieri and Tony Soprano’s swaggering hothead protégé Christopher Moltisanti on “The Sopranos” — dropped a TV rewatch podcast called “Talking Sopranos” on Monday. If it lives up to its potential, “Talking Sopranos” could be a godsend …