This week on Bigg Boss 8 Telugu, popular TV actress Yashmi Gowda was eliminated bringing relief to some fans. One of the highlights of the last episode was host Nagarjuna’s energetic dance to the song Bujji Thalli from his son Naga Chaitanya’s upcoming movie Thandel. More about Bigg Boss Telugu 8 So far list of eliminated contestants from Bigg Boss …
The twelfth week of Bigg Boss Telugu 8 has brought intense drama and unexpected twists, shaking up the voting trends and keeping fans on the edge of their seats. After two days of intense discussions, five contestants were nominated: - Nikhil - Prerna - Yashmi - Prithvi - Nabeel The online voting polls, which opened on November 19 revealed some …
The eighth season is now ready to be finished with great anticipation as the fans are eagerly waiting for Bigg Boss Telugu 8 Grand Finale, and everything has been building up to this moment. However, as far as the producers are concerned, a date for the event is officially out of the question, but rumours suggest it could take place …
All through the first week of every month, Magicpin’s head office at Gurugram registers significantly more footfall than it does during the rest of the month. The onboarding process includes sessions with senior leaders,” says Yashmi Pujara, CHRO, CACTUS. It also starts with the way you run a meeting and the kind of questions employees ask,” says Brij. Continuous feedback …