China Daily在近日召开的2022中国5G﹢工业互联网大会上,工业和信息化部正式宣布中国商飞获全国第一张企业5G专网的频率许可。经过多年探索,我国5G+工业互联网逐步形成政府规划引导、地方务实推动、产业联动发展的“中国模式”,正在进入由起步探索向规模发展的新阶段。 Visitors watch a demonstration of 5G tech's application in manufacturing at the 2022 China 5G plus Industrial Internet Conference in Wuhan, Hubei province. 中国向中国商用飞机有限责任公司发放了首个企业5G专网频率许可,用于在其工厂进行5G连接。中国商飞国产大飞机C919是中国首架自主研制的单通道客机。 The move is part of China's broader push to widen the application of 5G plus industrial internet, a frontier widely seen by countries around the world as key to boosting manufacturing prowess. 此举是中国扩大5G +工业互联网应用的更广泛努力的一部分,这一前沿领域被世界各国普遍视为提高制造业实力的关键。 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the country's top industry regulator, said it has granted China's first corporate 5G private network license to COMAC to use industrial wireless dedicated frequency bands 5925-6125 megahertz and 24.750-25.15 gigahertz, which feature high speed and low latency. 随着制造商致力于现代化、自动化和数字化,企业5G专网频率许可使企业能够把握资源并部署自己的网络。瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信的一份报告称,企业还可以在自己的网络上安全地存储重要的敏感数据,而不必将信息发送给电信运营商。 The MIIT announced the move at the 2022 China 5G plus Industrial Internet Conference, which was held from Saturday to Monday in Wuhan, Hubei province.