Russian climbers move from pyramids to Shanghai Tower
11 years, 1 month ago

Russian climbers move from pyramids to Shanghai Tower


Story highlights Russian thrillseekers climb unfinished skyscraper in Shanghai The same men climbed the Great Pyramid of Giza last year Breathtaking views from atop a construction crane illustrate the risks Pair's blogs show a variety of death-defying climbs in awesome locations Hong Kong CNN — While their countrymen prepared to attend to the Olympic ideals of “citius, altius, fortius” – faster, higher, stronger – two Russian thrillseekers traveled to China to put at least one of those to the ultimate test by scaling the as yet unfinished Shanghai Tower in the city’s financial district. The video, uploaded to video sharing site Vimeo, shows two masked men wearing hoodies talking urgently in Russian as they scope out the boarded-up construction site, before slipping in. Peering over the side, the upper floors of the distinctive, 492m Shanghai World Financial Center and the neighboring Jin Mao Tower can be seen in the video, peeking through low lying clouds. From their vantage point on top of the unfinished building, Raskalov and Makharov look down on the skyscrapers – the height of the new construction dwarfing its neighbors, which had previously dominated Shanghai’s skyline.

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