Accountants report spike in hackers lodging false tax returns, superannuation claims
2 years, 5 months ago

Accountants report spike in hackers lodging false tax returns, superannuation claims


With almost half the adult population of Australia affected by the Optus security breach, questions are swirling about how stolen identity data can be misused. "The ATO knows all of this information, so why would they approve an application from me, and then within that application approve that $11,500 could be drawn from my superannuation account?" "Basically they must have somehow set up a phoney or a new myGov account on her behalf and then linked it to the ATO," Mr Dyson said. "By registering someone for GST they can lodge false GST returns, get paid out and if they didn't know that, they'll get an audit for fraudulent tax returns," he said. "We don't use any online software and only one of my computers is linked to the ATO gateway, and it's a secure link," he said.

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