Mother whose son, 23, was bludgeoned to death by a drug-crazed aristocrat who thought he was an alien reveals heartbreak as his killer is freed from prison after nine years
1 year, 1 month ago

Mother whose son, 23, was bludgeoned to death by a drug-crazed aristocrat who thought he was an alien reveals heartbreak as his killer is freed from prison after nine years

Daily Mail  

A mother whose son was a bludgeoned to death by a drug-crazed aristocrat who thought he was an alien has revealed her heartbreak as his killer was freed from prison after nine years. Katja Faber has told of her ongoing pain after the brutal murder of 23-year-old son Alex Morgan, born in Islington in north London, by wealthy art dealer Bennet von Vertes who is now free again. Katja Faber, pictured with son Alex Morgan, has told of her hurt on learning the 23-year-old's killer had now been given full parole after just nine years of a 12-year prison term Aristocrat Bennet von Vertes, pictured, bludgeoned Alex Morgan to death with a candlestick at his wealthy family's villa in Switzerland in December 2014 Alex's mother Katja Faber fought a legal battle for Bennet von Vertes to serve longer in jail On the full parole now granted to her son's killer, she said: 'Life goes on for him. Katja Faber, pictured with son Alex Morgan - she has said of his killing: When your child dies, part of you dies with them' Alex Morgan, born in Islington in north London, studied at Regent's College in the capital And when questioned about the separate rape, he claimed: 'I've never hurt a woman's hair.' Alex Morgan was killed at the von Vertes’ family chalet, in the exclusive enclave of Kusnacht on Lake Zurich in Switzerland A poster was produced in memory of Alex Morgan with his date of birth and the day that he died, accompanying by the caption: 'Let your feathers fly' 'I would welcome meeting him, sitting down with him - he has never reached out to say, "I want to meet with you in private to explain and to talk".'

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