Parenting Teens: Setting Boundaries On Clothing Choices
Huff Postceciangiocchi via Getty Images Teens and their parents will inevitably disagree about many things, from curfew to allowance. Although it may be difficult for parents to keep their thoughts about skimpy clothing to themselves, Hernandez advises parents “to try their best to not criticize or judge the teen for their clothing choices.” Instead, he recommended that parents have “a broader conversation about style and what they’re hoping to get across.” Asking questions in a nonjudgmental way can open up a dialogue. Many parents are concerned that “certain clothing may attract unwanted attention or harassment, potentially compromising the teen’s safety,” Fenkel explained, and that certain clothing may lead to conflicts with others in the teen’s life who don’t approve of their clothing choices. “Teens want a growing level of independence from parents, so they will, in general, ask for control over almost everything in their lives, including clothing choices, even when it’s to their own detriment,” he said. No matter what parents might be thinking, “telling your child they look ‘horrible’ or ‘trampy’ will cause hurt feelings, pain and trauma, which may cause them to criticize their own body,” Hernandez said.