A divided nation asks: What’s holding our country together?
4 years, 2 months ago

A divided nation asks: What’s holding our country together?

Associated Press  

Elections are meant to resolve arguments. “The election certainly makes it feel like Alamance and North Carolina voted for the status quo,” Hurtado said. “It feels like we haven’t moved in any given direction.” “I won, but as a citizen of North Carolina who’s deeply invested in North Carolina, I feel like I lost.” The win made Hurtado the first Latino Democrat ever elected to the state legislature. As opposed to Biden running the country, absolutely.” Trump’s efforts to toss out votes came in heavily Black cities, which to Davis represents an ugly history of trying to repress Black voices. I don’t know how we get past this.” ___ In suburban Michigan, a coalition of suburban women achieved what it set out to do — help evict Trump from the White House.

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A divided nation asks: What's holding our country together?
4 years, 2 months ago

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