Tassal slams report claiming consumers not sold on salmon's clean, green image
ABCAustralian shoppers are turning away from purchasing Tasmanian salmon because of environmental concerns, according to a report slammed by Tassal and the Government. The report warned Tasmania's salmon industry was almost entirely reliant on domestic sales and that a 20 per cent drop in purchases would jeopardise jobs and cost the industry $122 million. 'Research doesn't match reality' Salmon giant Tassal lashed out at the report and said "there is a significant disconnect between the research results and reality," given the company and rival Huon Aquaculture both notched record profits last financial year. Huon Aquaculture said it was "confident that Australian consumers will see that Huon salmon is produced safely and sustainability year round, and that we are a modern, ethical farming business". 'Public trust needs to be rebuilt' Acting Petuna chief executive David Wood also backed the industry's environmental standards but said the report highlighted the need to rebuild "public confidence and trust in the industry again".
History of this topic

Opponents, defenders of Tasmania's salmon industry as entrenched as ever as fish farming continues to grow
Tassal salmon takeover going ahead, but some locals concerned by Cooke's environmental breaches
Author Richard Flanagan unleashes tirade against salmon farming industry
Salmon industry expansion has Tasmanian boating community fearful of dangerous debris
Tasmanian EPA flags reducing salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour to 2012 levels
Salmon giant Tassal profits up with an eye on China, as pens bound for Okehampton Bay anger opponents
Salmon producer Tassal gets federal approval for Okehampton Bay fish farm
Tassal given three months to clean up Macquarie Harbour salmon-farming leases
WWF email reveals concern over salmon industry's 'negative impact on environment'
Salmon wars: EPA halts Tassal's dredging plan after Huon Aquaculture's objections
Salmon giant Tassal cuts short press conference on 'dead zones' near World Heritage Area
Salmon producer Tassal joins Macquarie Harbour legal action to protect interests
Salmon farming tipped as feature dish on Tasmania's next election menu
Tassal welcomes Okehampton Bay farm approval, 'not proud' of Macquarie Harbour pollution
Salmon industry sustainability in doubt, affecting tourism, Macquarie Harbour locals say
Former executives voice concerns about sustainability of Tasmania's $700m salmon industry
Environment watchdog orders Tassal to destock salmon lease in Macquarie Harbour
Tassal announces move to natural salmon feed pigment, denies move prompted by Four Corners
Tasmanian Government defends regulation of $700m salmon industry
Salmon farmer says Tasmanian Government ignored warning on overstocking danger in Macquarie Harbour
Tasmanian Government defends new salmon farm against pollution concerns
Salmon industry's impact on rivers in Tasmania questioned ahead of Senate's aquaculture inquiry
Salmon farming fish waste impact on waterways falls by 15pc, Tasmanian producer Tassal finds
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