Malihabad triple murder: Police seize prime accused’s property worth ₹34 cr, slap NSA
Hindustan TimesLucknow police on Friday seized property worth around ₹34 crore from the prime accused in the Malihabad triple murder case of February 2—Lallan Khan alias Siraj and his son Faraz and also invoked the National Security Act 1980 against them. To recall, on February 2, 2024, Siraj, along with his son Faraz and other aides Furkan and Asharfi Lal, shot dead Muneer Ahmad Khan alias Taj, 55, his nephew Hanzala Khan, 15, and Hanzal’s mother Farheen Khan, 40, all residents of Mohammed Nagar in Malihabad. The police had said then that the killings were the result of a failed land measurement exercise at Mohammad Nagar village.“After the heinous crime, a case was registered in Malihabad police station under sections 302, 504, 506, 34 of the IPC and the Arms Act. “The investigation revealed that Siraj and his aides had acquired movable and immovable properties worth about ₹34 crore through organised crimes.