People reveal the jobs that they've turned down because they morally feel wrong
3 years, 1 month ago

People reveal the jobs that they've turned down because they morally feel wrong

Daily Mail  

Many of us have experienced taking a job that we weren't passionate about because we needed the money, but this thread proves there are some roles that take more compromise than others. Reddit users from across the world have shared the jobs they've struggled to do because of their morals The discussion began after a woman admitted that she still feels uncomfortable with having served alcoholics while working in a pub The woman who started the conversation admitted that she still feels guilty about her time spent working in a pub. 'There were one or two that you could tell were alcoholics and would come in looking run down and a bit disheveled and would order a few spirits before heading off on their day. One person said they couldn't work in a slaughterhouse, while another said working for a temp recruitment agency was 'soul crushing' A fellow commenter chimed in to say their friend had been offered a job cold-calling people to discuss funeral plans, and the salary was tempting. Another said they wouldn't be able to face working in a slaughterhouse, saying: 'No judgement but pigs are more intelligent than three-year-old children so it must feel morally wrong on some levels.'

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