Dutch animated film 'Heads Together' wins Kids Emmy award
5 years, 8 months ago

Dutch animated film 'Heads Together' wins Kids Emmy award

Dutch News  

Dutch animated film Kop Op has won the Kids Emmy Award for best animation at Tuesday evening’s ceremony in Cannes. The film, by studio Job, Joris en Marieke, is about three friends with different cultural backgrounds whose lives change when their heads are swapped in a magic washing machine. #kopop 🎉🎉🎉🎉 https://t.co/yKiFe67vNg — Nasrdin Dchar April 9, 2019 Claire van Daal, of the Dutch Film Festival, told broadcaster NOS that Dutch children’s film makers are prepared to take risks. ‘It is meant for children aged eight to 12 but I am middle aged and I thought it was fantastic.’ Job, Joris en Marieke were earlier in the international spotlight when their animation film A Single Life was nominated for an Oscar.

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