Govt Employee Transferred By Way Of Absorption To Another Department Can Retain Seniority Of Previous Dept : Supreme Court
Live LawThe Supreme Court held that employees who are transferred on absorption to another department are entitled to retain the seniority of their previous department as per the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules. The Court held that the proviso to Rule 27 of the KS & SSR, which hold that previous seniority cannot be claimed when an employee is transferred on request, won't apply to transfer on absorption. The Supreme Court pointed out that the proviso does not include transfer due to administrative exigencies or by way of absorption under the government's policy decision within its ambit. “The said absorption was in furtherance to a policy decision of the Government to abolish the dual control system enhancing the efficiency of the administration of medical colleges and attached hospitals thereto giving it to DME withdrawing from DHS…” The Court concluded that the action taken in public interest due to administrative exigency even on option is different than the action done on request.