Halo 5 to Uncharted 4: A look at the biggest E3 launches for Xbox One and PS4
10 years, 9 months ago

Halo 5 to Uncharted 4: A look at the biggest E3 launches for Xbox One and PS4


With Microsoft announcing new titles and the India launch date for the Xbox One, the console wars have truly arrived in India. The Xbox One and its biggest rival the Sony PlayStation 4, which is already available in India, are more-or-less at the same level feature-wise, with minor differences in hardware. Dance Central: Spotlight What do you know, there’s a new Dance Central game for Xbox One. Sony PlayStation 4 At launch, the PlayStation 4 got DriveClub, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, Resogun and Tiny Brains PS4’s line-up was big on indie games and ports of free-to-play titles that are already out on PC, which doesn’t create a big buzz, but shores up the core game base with regular releases.

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