12 People Share Why They're Grateful For Their Unconventional Looks
5 years, 1 month ago

12 People Share Why They're Grateful For Their Unconventional Looks

Huff Post  

HuffPost Thanksgiving conjures feelings of gratitude, although due in part to a $4.2 trillion wellness industry, our cultural vernacular has embraced the notion of being #blessed all year round. It makes me feel like a blank canvas, like I can transform into anything I want.” On being teased or bullied for her looks: “ years of shady comments with people asking me if I have cancer or alopecia.” Why she’s grateful: “My look makes me feel like I can transform into anything I want. They make me feel like I have the power to define what’s beautiful for myself.” On being teased or bullied for her looks: “I’ve heard all things ranging from, ‘My god, what happened to your face?’ to ‘I’d like you better without those red dots’ to ‘You really should start to eat clean.’” Dominique Violet, university student “Fueled by the negative views of others, I used to be resentful of my body and full of self-hate.” Courtesy of Dominique Violet On being teased or bullied for her looks: “My entire life, I have been criticized for my body, even from those closest to me. It’s always made me feel different, like I don’t belong.” Robert Clyde Grima On being teased or bullied for her looks: “From whale jokes in elementary school, to being compared to a drag queen in high school, to being called a ‘fat bitch’ while walking down the street as an adult woman, my size has always garnered me negative attention. It’s feature that I’ve grown to love.” Courtesy of Andrew Glass On being teased or bullied for his looks: “I’ve had a few people tell me I should dye the hair so my beard looks uniform, but it’s just a part of my new aged self.” Vanity Selects: Beard oil Christina Yannello, university student “Rubbing your fingers across your face and feeling like you’re a human crunch bar can be very humbling.

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