State's Obligation To Protect Citizens From Wild Animal Attacks, Any Injury Caused Is Govt's Failure: Bombay High Court
Live LawStating that while it is the duty of the State government to protect wild animals and not allow them wander outside the restricted zone, the Bombay High Court Monday said it is also obligatory upon the state to protect the citizens from any injuries by the wild animals. Additional Government Pleader Milind More for the State said that compensation cannot be granted as the death was caused by head injuries in the road accident and not the wild boar attack. "The second reason given by Respondent No.2 is that as per Government Resolution, it is mandatory to carry out panchanama by local police officer and nearest forest officer within 3 days of the accident. The reasons for refusing petitioner's application are unjustified as the State has not disputed that human life is lost in the attack by wild boar, the court added.