Art reflecting Chinese core values wins critical acclaim
China DailyA Lifelong Journey The photo shows the three-volume novel A Lifelong Journey on sale in an online bookstore. Set in the capital city of a North China province, the three-volume novel unfolds mainly around a Zhou family at the grass-roots level of Chinese society as it undergoes dramatic changes. The first book deals with protagonist Tan Xiumi's futile efforts to turn her conservative hometown into a volatile social lab in the remaining years of the late Qing Dynasty. The third book depicts two of Tan Xiumi's grandsons, Tan Duanwu and Wang Yuanqing, who chose to engage themselves with a fast-changing Chinese society in widely different manners. Li Peifu's The Book of Life touches upon the relationship between Chinese farmers and modernity and offers a personal perspective of the dual mode of development of rural China and urban China spanning a period of over 60 years.