Tear Gas, Rocks Fly At Anti-Austerity Protest In Athens
NPRTear Gas, Rocks Fly At Anti-Austerity Protest In Athens Enlarge this image toggle caption John Kolesidis/Reuters /Landov John Kolesidis/Reuters /Landov Riot police in Athens have fired tear gas at protesters who in turn have been lobbing stones and petrol bombs in one of the largest anti-austerity demonstrations to hit the Greek capital in months. Some, says Joanna, are wearing "chains on their ankles to protest severe austerity measures imposed by the European Union and International Monetary Fund, who have loaned Greece billions." As the BBC says, "the trade union-led action is the first since Greece's conservative-led coalition came to power in June. Meanwhile, "violent protests in Madrid and growing talk of secession in wealthy Catalonia are piling pressure on Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy as he moves closer to asking Europe for rescue money," Reuters reports.
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