AP police seeks permission to seize YSRC leader vallabaneni Vamsi's mobile phone
1 month, 1 week ago

AP police seeks permission to seize YSRC leader vallabaneni Vamsi's mobile phone

Deccan Chronicle  

Police intensified investigation into the attack on TD central office and the kidnap of Satyavardhan, working in it, from the premises. Police believe that they would be able to make a breakthrough, if they can seize his mobile phone. They are of the opinion that the phone would be able to provide them some crucial evidences relating to the case in the phone. Two others were also Police strongly believe that the YSRC leader's phone would be of great use to them in probing into the case and submitted a petition seeking permission from the court seize the cell phone. Once they obtain the permission, the police will raide Vamsi's residences in Hyderabad and Vijayawada.

History of this topic

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1 month, 1 week ago

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