Trump voters: We told you this was coming — and you have no one to blame but yourselves
1 week, 4 days ago

Trump voters: We told you this was coming — and you have no one to blame but yourselves

Raw Story  

In just seven, short weeks, the traitor, Donald Trump, has crashed the economy, taken us to the brink of recession, wrecked the government, lost the respect of our friends and neighbors around the world, and surrendered to the murderous Vladimir Putin. The United States of America is in a free-fall not seen in modern history, and there is absolutely no reason to believe we will ever return to anything resembling respectability, or gain back the trust we lost when a serial-lying, Russia-owned convicted felon was elected by a collection of selfish bigots, idiots, and trolls who whine they’ve been left behind because they can’t figure out a way to excavate themselves from the mud puddle they gleefully slid into. And rather than wait any longer, because I am Monday Morning furious today, I am going to move right into the “WE TOLD YOU SO” part of this column: We told these lopsided people that all this turmoil was coming, if they couldn’t break themselves out of their rut and join the rest of us Americans, who were terrified of what might come only because we were smart enough to recognize demented evil when we saw it. I needed no convincing, and I know most of you didn’t either, but the rancid corporate media still needed a horse race under orders of the billionaires who are currently eating us alive, and newsroom “leadership” which has so pathetically lost its way, it’s a wonder, they can still dot an “i” or cross a “t.” The potential end of America was, and is, a front-page story. The two-ton traitor himself was dragging himself around like Frankenstein’s double onto one right-wing propaganda show after another Sunday, laying the groundwork for a recession that is almost sure to come.

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