Clooney, Roberts and next Survivor supercharge Queensland's COVID-safe big-budget screen boom
3 years, 1 month ago

Clooney, Roberts and next Survivor supercharge Queensland's COVID-safe big-budget screen boom


Regional Queensland is reaping the benefits of a coronavirus-driven screen boom, with major screen productions seeking safe harbour from the pandemic injecting millions of dollars into local economies. "This is definitely the biggest boom we've seen in terms of dollar value and job creation in the regions," Screen Queensland chief executive Kylie Munnich said. Survivor production executive Elliot Luxton said Charters Towers offered a "unique solution for filming" in the midst of COVID-19 chaos. Charters Towers Mayor Frank Beveridge said he was "absolutely ecstatic" to have secured the production. "It will hopefully be up and running by the middle of next year and be a real anchor point to attract productions to the far north and provide a dedicated production facility," Ms Munnich said.

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