Tamil actor Vijay Antony takes a pay cut. Will Bollywood actors follow suit?
Hindustan TimesIt’s a given that the Covid-19 pandemic/lockdown has dealt a mighty blow to every business/industry. Now, as the film industry finds itself stuck in a limbo, a question – which the trade experts as well as industry insiders have also started to ask – arises: is it time for actors, especially the top ones, to take a pay cut? So, while Dixit-Nene feels “we have to come and pitch in with our efforts”, Aaryan says he “would do whatever collectively we decide to do.” Pannu, on her part, expects that when work begins, “we will need to take a salary cut and I am ready for that.” Madhuri Dixit-Nene feels “we have to come and pitch in with our efforts”. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh feels Bollywood actors also “ought to cut down on their salaries.” He says: “Otherwise, producers won’t be able to release their films, considering an actor’s fee is about 60-70 per cent of a film’s total budget.” Producer Ramesh Taurani concurs, saying: “It’d definitely be a welcome move. It would also depend a lot on the kind of investments a producer has made or a film’s budget.” Going forward, “sharing the risk” could be the name of the game, says filmmaker Nikkhil Advani.