Azaan Row: Delhi Police says azaan permitted but as per NGT guidelines
Op IndiaThe Delhi Police issued a clarification after an incident on Friday where two policemen in Delhi could be heard telling Muslim women that they couldn’t offer Azaan in a Masjid in the wake of the nationwide lockdown imposed to combat the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic. The Delhi Police has said in a statement that “Azaan may be carried out in accordance with NGT guidelines” and Muslims were requested to offer their Namaz while staying indoors and have Sehri at home. Source: Delhi Police/Twitter The statement was released by the Delhi Police after the video of an altercation between Muslim women and two Policemen went viral on social media. — Saba Naqvi April 24, 2020 From the nature of the conversation and the statement by the Delhi Police which mentions guidelines issued by the National Green Tribunal, it appears that loudspeakers might have been used to relay the Azaan to the masses.