Instagram has a Bollywood deepfake problem
The HinduA heart-warming photo on Instagram shows Indian actor Deepika Padukone with her infant daughter, smiling lovingly at the baby. While these photos have garnered hundreds or even thousands of likes for various accounts, they are completely absent from both Padukone and Singh’s official Instagram handles, because the photos are deepfakes. “Content may be labelled automatically when it contains AI signals, or you can label AI-generated or AI-modified content when you share it on Instagram,” the company further noted, but the manipulated images of Padukone, Singh, their baby, and other actors have already gone viral without being labelled as synthetic or misleading. Meanwhile, several doctored images of Padukone, Singh, and their baby posted by various accounts appeared as top results in Instagram’s algorithmic grid-based feed when one looked up Deepika Padukone by name.