What is Lion Gate Portal? Know how August 8 is related to manifestation
7 months, 2 weeks ago

What is Lion Gate Portal? Know how August 8 is related to manifestation

India TV News  

What is Lion Gate Portal? Know how August 8 is related to manifestation The Lion Gate Portal is a powerful cosmic event that brings about heightened energy and spiritual awakening. The Lion Gate Portal is a powerful portal that opens every year on August 8th, and it is believed to bring about heightened energy and spiritual awakening. The Lion Gate Portal is one such portal that opens up every year on August 8th, and it has been given this name because the Sun moves into the zodiac sign of Leo during this time. Here are some practices that you can incorporate on August 8th to harness the powerful energy of this portal: Set Intentions: As mentioned earlier, the Lion Gate Portal is a potent time for setting intentions.

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